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 PlayBasic V1.64L Learning Edition Released

By: Kevin Picone Added: April 24th, 2010

Category: All,Learning Edition

PlayBasic V1.64L _Learning Edition Released

    This release marks something of a huge leap forward for those using the FREE Learning Edition of PlayBasic ! Why ? - Well, the existing Learning Edition was built from Version 1.63, revision V. You could easily be forgiven for thinking that the old V1.63 learning edition is only slightly behind the the new V1.64L release, since the version numbers appear to be so close. When, It's actually over two years older then today's V1.64L release. So there's lots of new features just waiting to be explored!

    What's are these new version ? - Well, V1.64 features a whole new graphics engine. This new engine includes universal support for things like more Alpha Blending mores, Sprite Alpha Channel, Bi-linear Filtering, Tinting, New Font engine, new image loader, Alpha map support and much more. [Indent] The compiler has also been through a healthy face lift, with the addition various math short cut operators (++, --, +=, -=, *= , /=), Dynamic function calling, The ability to pass and return Arrays and individual types in and out of the functions and Psubs, Optional Parameter Support in not only built in functions but users defined functions, and many more cleanups of the syntax and compilation performance. The compiler can routinely build over 10,000 lines per second!

     The Help files are important, we know that. While the quality of the documentation is always slowly improving (with each upgrade), the biggest concern we've had from users, was being overwhelmed when scanning through the various main sections. Originally, this wasn't an issue, since PB only had a fraction of the features it does today. So, we've (finally) introduced sub-category support to the help. These allow the various command sets to be broken down better. Which should help !

     These are only some the changes we've made to V1.64L learning edition, you'll also find updated examples, new support libraries, as well as the latest IDE included in the package. So there's plenty of nice new shiny functionality sitting right under your finger tips. The only thing the Learning Edition can't do, is build EXE files.


See -> PlayBasic V1.64L Work In Progress
for more information on the V1.64L upgrade (and previous) !


Download PlayBasic V1.64L Learning Edition

 New Features Coming to PlayBasic V1.64k

By: Kevin Picone Added: November 2nd, 2009

Category: All,Upgrade,Learning Edition

     PlayBasic is a progressive product, as such, we're always striving to improve its functionally for our users, from the power of the command sets and core language, through to the products help and example packs. Which is no exception in the next scheduled upgrade.

     So far development has only been in progress for a couple of weeks, mainly focusing upon compiler and runtime additions to the package. In terms of the compiler/syntax, the latest editions involved various C styled short cut operators such as the ++, --, +=, -=, *= , /=, various automatic casting operators and the long awaited ability to return user defined types from functions. All of which will make writing your games easier. These math operators in particular are a great way short cut long math expressions into more compact, and in some cases, faster code.

     Other changes thus far have been to the runtime technology that PlayBasic used to execute your programs. These changes revolve around how the PlayBasic runtime stack and pointer operations work. While there not exciting features, such improvements allow the runtime to better execute your programs. So often small changes in the low level technology, can enable our programs to perform more calculations, which ultimately means our games can run a faster.

     Beyond the compiler/runtime additions, we'll be adding more features to graphics commands, updating the help and of course addressing any bugs.

     Head over to our PlayBasic forums to check the PlayBasic V1.64k Work In Progress thread out, for more nitty gritty!. There's still lots more changes to come !

 PlayBasic Learning Edition Released

By: Kevin Picone Added: April 21st, 2008

Category: All,Demo,Learning Edition

PlayBasic V1.63v6 Learning Edition Released

The learning edition is now available from our site. What's the learning Edition ? - Well it's simply a cut down FREE version of the PlayBasic for new users to tinker with. While the Learning edition is built from the older 1.63 engine (direct draw engine), the package includes all the latest examples/doc's/IDE updates to get you started. There's no time limits, so jump in and start tinkering.


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